
The ORM takes several configurations

  • database

    This are the database configurations the ORM will use to connect to a database.

    The orm uses Doctrine Dbal to connect to database.

    This means the orm will support most if not all the databases suported by Doctrine dbal.

    To learn more about the database drivers supported and the different configurations requried for each databases please view Database Configs

    An example of database configuration for mysql is presented below.

  • charset

    The charset used when working with strings.

  • timezone

    Default: uses timezone of the current php installation.

    A string representing the time zone .

  • dbPrefix

    This is the prefix to use in all tables created by the ORM. e.g.


    dbPrefix = 'testing'

    all tables created will prefixed with testing so instead of the table user it will becomes testing_user.

  • components

    This configuration serves two purposes:
    • Registering applications. This are applications/project that the orm will be used to manage models, migrations and perform queries.

    • Registering components that extend the orm good examples of this are :

      • Faker which is used to generate dummy data for the orm.
      • Debuging Toolbar A tool bar to help in development to view things like what sql the orm ran.
      • PhpGis Makes the orm work with gis data.

    see Components for more.

Sample Configuration file.

A sample configurations.

$config = [
    'database' => [
        'host' => '',
        'dbname' => 'tester',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => 'root1.',
        'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'dbPrefix' => 'demo_',
    'charset' => 'utf-8',
    'timezone' => 'Africa/Nairobi',
    'components' => [
    'signalManager' => function (BaseOrm $orm) {

        return new SignalManager();