Integrating with Codeigniter 4

This is recipe for using Powerorm with codeigniter. Make sure to install powerorm via composer.

composer require eddmash/powerorm

Codeigniter 4


Before its officially released ensure you have latest version as per github commits

For Codeigniter 4 and any other projects that use namespace (see Laravel) you just need to ensure the orm is loaded early enough.

To integrate the orm into CI4, It boils down to the following steps:

Create Application Class

The orm requires application to register there information with it for it to work. some of the information the application needs to know about an application are where to find the models, where to place migrations..visit Components to learn more.

Powerorm needs some configurations for it to work e.g. the database settings.

We are creating this file inside the application folder, on the same level as the views folder.

namespace App;

use Eddmash\PowerOrm\BaseOrm;
use Eddmash\PowerOrm\Components\Application;

class Powerorm extends Application
    public static function configs()
        return [
            'database' => [
                'host' => '',
                'dbname' => 'tester',
                'user' => 'root',
                'password' => '',
                'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
            'components' => [
                'app' => static::class,
            'dbPrefix' => 'test_',
            'charset' => 'utf-8',


     * @inheritdoc
    public function ready(BaseOrm $baseOrm)

Create Service

We need to create an orm service which we can use to access the orm across the application. If an instance does not exist one will be created. We use a getSharedInstance to always get the same instance of the orm.

Add this method to the Service class at application/Config/Services.php

 * @param bool $getShared
 * @return \Eddmash\PowerOrm\BaseOrm
public static function orm($getShared = true)
    if ($getShared):
        return self::getSharedInstance('orm');

    return \Eddmash\PowerOrm\Loader::webRun(\Config\Powerorm::asArray());

Load the Orm

To load the orm we listen for the pre_system and call the orm service. This is a shared service hence we only get the same instance of the orm through out the application.

Add this to application/Config/Events.php

Events::on('pre_system', function (){

Create Powerorm Command File

To be able to run commands provided by powerorm, we need to create a codeigniter 4 command that will enable us interact with powerorm.

create the file application/Commands/Powerorm.php and add the following content.

namespace App\Commands;

use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand;
use Eddmash\PowerOrm\Console\Manager;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;

class Powerorm extends BaseCommand
    protected $group = 'Powerorm';
    protected $name  = 'powerorm:pmanager';
    protected $description = 'Displays powerorm commands.';

    public function run(array $params)
        // remove the 'ci4.php' from the arguments
        $input = new ArgvInput(array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1));

        // launch powerorm console
        Manager::run(true, $input);
With that you can run all the commands that powerorm
provides as follows:
php spark powerorm:pmanager
php spark powerorm:pmanager makemigrations
php spark powerorm:pmanager makemigrations --dry-run
php spark powerorm:pmanager makemigrations --dry-run -vvv
php spark powerorm:pmanager makemigrations -h
php spark powerorm:pmanager migrate
php spark powerorm:pmanager migrate zero
php spark powerorm:pmanager robot

See commands for all the available commands.